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Nurse Advocate Entrepreneur
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Nurse Advocate Entrepreneur logo 
Updated:  March 2021
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Sponsored or provided by: North Shore Patient Advocates
For students interested in:
Private Practice Advocacy or Navigation  
Specialized Focus:  New RN Practices

Nurse Advocacy  
Medical / Navigational/Case Management 
Mediation - Family Counseling
Ethics / Best Practices 
Business of Advocacy 
Career Counseling
Networking / Sales Crisis Management
Time to complete: 2.5 months
Tuition/ Fees/ Other Costs: Three levels / options - see website
Financial Assistance or other discounts: Available.
Members of patient advocacy organizations receive a 30% discount.
Admission Pre-requisites: Strong clinical background in the healthcare field, at least seven years.
Post Program Support: Yes
Additional Information: This a hit-the-road-running practical guide for healthcare professionals with a strong clinical background and basic knowledge of how to advocate for patients/family in the community. One:one mentoring is included in gold and platinum packages and weekly meetings with cohort will provide practice, clinical scenarios and live answers to questions most often encountered during the first year of practice. Basics of how to market your practice as well as how to save money on startup expenses will be included. Hospital engagement and ethical issues will be taught as well as basic principles of patient rights' protection, insurance mediation and how to provide referrals that will best support our clients. Several examples of legal forms and additional office forms you will need to set up an efficient and well managed business are included in the book/study guide. 13 hours of prerecorded video are provided to study incrementally prior to weekly virtual meetings. Basic marketing/sales practices will be shared and practiced in the classroom setting, providing for a fun and inspiring learning experience to help you get your practice started right, and avoid costly mistakes that many new entrepreneurs make. Instructor has over ten years experience as a successful business owner of one of the country's largest private professional advocacy companies.
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Student Reviews* of
Nurse advocate Entrepreneur

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*Reviews are submitted by individual students who must identify themselves and agree to verification of their attendance

Each opinion belongs to that student and that student alone.
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