To Thine Own Self Be True (with apologies to William Shakespeare)

This post was contributed by
Cindi Gatton, Pathfinder Patient Advocacy Group

As professional patient advocates we come to our discipline with a deep desire to help people through the vagaries of our healthcare system, a system that can swallow up even the most informed consumer. Our clients trust us to be able to step back from the situations that are upsetting and unfathomable to them to help them make truly personalized, informed decisions.

This is not work for the ...

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Why it’s so important to understand business (why you will fail if you don’t)

This post was contributed by
Elisabeth Schuler

Often people are drawn toward patient advocacy because in their own lives, they helped family members or friends struggling to overcome obstacles or find solutions as they navigated an illness, chronic disease or the transitions in the life of an elderly parent. Many come out of those experiences passionate that others going through the same thing should not have to “learn the hard way” and determined to use their newfound knowledge ...

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A Patient Advocate’s Life

This video post was contributed by
Caryn Isaacs, Get Health Help

A Patient Advocate’s Life

Caryn Isaacs

Are you prepared to help people regardless of your feelings towards them?


Ask yourself:

  • Do you like to get involved in other people’s problems and to take control of the situation?
  • Do you like to get involved in complex issues?
  • Do you like to listen to what others are saying?
  • Are you in good ...
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Thinking About Developing a Patient Advocate Service?

This post was contributed by
Karen Mercereau, RN Patient Advocates

Undoubtedly you are passionate about the role and determined to help people survive the medical system as well as possible. What do I mean about survive?

You may already know that the Academy of Medicine report (2115) that states there are 12 million misdiagnoses in the US annually and that there are up to 440,000 deaths due in full or part to preventable ...

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Entrepreneur: It’s Not a Dirty Word

This post was contributed by
Linda Adler

“But I’m not an entrepreneur!” That’s the response I often hear when I first introduce the concept to some of my students or mentorship clients. They remind me that their motivation to be an advocate is borne out of their desire to use their talent and experience to help others, and to provide critical services: not to capitalize on the hardships of others.

Granted, those of us here in Silicon Valley ...

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Building a Team to Help Your Clients

This video post was contributed by
Caryn Isaacs, Get Health Help

Building a Team to Help Your Clients

Caryn Isaacs

  • How can you acquire the knowledge you need?  How can you get the answers you are looking for?
  • Build a team of professionals as resources, people you can trust and recommend
  • Participate in events and committees so others ask you to join their teams
  • It takes time.  Surround yourself with people you want to ...
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Starting an Advocacy Business

This post was contributed by
Julie Hess

Starting an Advocacy Business
Julie Hess

  • What will your business look like? (Business formation and type, registrations, licenses, ID numbers, and insurance)
  • First Steps (Marketing, Business Identity, Appointments and Speaking Engagements)
  • Cautions about office space and confidentiality
  • Have fun!  and a final note:

I have had a fantastic time growing my business. There have been hard days –sure. But the people from all walks of life that I have met, far outweigh the ...

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